This is not a pagination but fetching records in buckets form. Meaning, if you have a table that has huge number of rows and wants to process them in buckets with multiple sessions simultaneously by dividing the rows.
Using analytic function NTAIL:
Using analytic function NTAIL:
create table san_bucket_test (col1 number, col2 varchar2(30), statusvarchar2(20));
for i in 1..20 loop
insert into san_bucket_test values (i, 'Record # '||i, 'PENDING');
end loop;
select *
from (
select sbt.*, (ntile(4) over (order by sbt.col1)) bucket
from san_bucket_test sbt
where status = 'PENDING'
where bucket =3;
As you see above, the above NTILE function with argument 4 divides the rows into 4 buckets and the outer join with bucket=3 will only gets the data for 3rd bucket.
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