Sunday, May 11, 2014

WARNING OGG-00706 Failed to add supplemental log group on table schema_name.table_name due to ORA-00957: duplicate column name

Was setting up another group in golden gate and as a initial step was adding trandata to the tables in the schema and got this error:

GGSCI > add trandata schema.table_name, cols (column_name), nokey

WARNING OGG-00706  Failed to add supplemental log group on table schema.table_name due to ORA-00957: duplicate column name

Prior to this I did try adding trandata on the same table and it failed due to resource busy error but looks like it did add.

So, delete the log and then try again.

GGSCI > delete trandata schema.table_name
Logging of supplemental redo log data disabled for table schema.table_name.

Now add trandata again:

GGSCI  19> obey diroby/add_trandata_rhp05.oby

GGSCI  20> add trandata schema.table_name, cols (column_name), nokey

2014-05-11 17:30:39  WARNING OGG-00869  No unique key is defined for table 'TABLE_NAME'. All viable columns will be used to represent the key, but may not guarantee uniqueness.  KEYCOLS may be used to define the key.

Logging of supplemental redo data enabled for table schema.table_name.

GGSCI  22> info trandata schema.table_name

Logging of supplemental redo log data is enabled for table schema.table_name.

Columns supplementally logged for table schema.table_name: column_name.

GGSCI  23> 

As you see above, This table didn't have any Primary Key (reason is because this table is another monster with way too many inserts (about 250 millions a month)) and thus defining trandata on a column using COLS and NOKEY.

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