Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How to Install Oracle TEXT manually in 10gR2

OK, By Default Oracle TEXT (CTXSYS Schema) is installed in the database if DBCA is used.

In case if its missed out and need to install manually then dont panic as installing Oracle Text is too simple as showed below:

Connect to the database as SYS and run:

SQL> @?/ctx/admin/catctx.sql CTXSYS SYSAUX TEMP NOLOCK

Above, CTXSYS is the password and SYSAUX is the default tablespace for user CTXSYS and TEMP is the temp tablespace and NOLOCK specifies that this account is not locked.

This will create CTXSYS schema with all objects.


The next step is to install appropriate language-specific default preferences. There is script which creates language-specific default preferences for every language Oracle text supports in /ctx/admin/defaults directory, such as English(US), Danish(DK), Dutch(NL), Finnish(SF), French(F), German(D), Italian(IT), Portuguese(PT), Spanish(E), and Swedish(S). They are named in the form drdefXX.sql, where XX is the international license plate code.
To manually install US default preferences, for example, log into sqlplus as CTXSYS, and run 'drdefus.sql' as described below:

Connect as CTXSYS:

SQL> connect CTXSYS/password@your_DB
SQL> @?/ctx/admin/defaults/drdefus.sql

Grant CTXAPP Role to the developer who needs it along with any other EXECUTE Privs on CTXSYS Packages that are required.

Hope this helps.

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