Got the Simba JDBC drivers from
Extracted the zip and then
Adding Simba driver to
In the DBeaver:
- Driver Manager
- Select New
Give some name to
Driver Name – Label only
Click on Add file
and select the SimbaSparkJDBC41- file
Add com.simba.spark.jdbc41.Driver to the Class Name: (Class
name is as of 06/27/2019)
Getting JDBC URL from Databricks:- Goto your Cluster from Databricks
- Click on Advanced Options in the
Configuration tab
- Click on JDBC/ODBC tab
- Grab the JDBC URL provided which will look
like below:
- Click on the user Icon on the top right
most corner and click on User Settings.
- Select Access Tokens and create a token.
NOTE: Pay attention to the dialogue box as this token is only showed once so
you save it first.
Connecting Spark thru DBeaver:
- Click New Database connection in DBeaver
- Select the driver you just added – check
for the label you provided for Driver Name when you added Simba driver
- Copy the URL you obtained from databricks
into JDBC URL:
- Provide the token you obtained in PWD= in
the URL
jdbc:spark://<server-name-info>:<port>/default;transportMode=http;ssl=1;httpPath=sql/protocolv1/o/0/cluster-name;AuthMech=3;UID=token;PWD= ##############
- Test Connection and you should be
connected to your cluster and should be able to see all databases.
Added UseNativeQuery=1 at the end of url as I was getting errors in DBeaver: