But still want to blog out though...
Its quite common that at least one column in one table in the database will be depending on Oracle SEQUENCE and there will be a code in place to get the NEXTVAL from that sequence to populate.
And I am pretty sure that because of few reasons the NEXTVAL that is fetched is not really committed to the table and thus there will be a sequence miss in the table.
And I am pretty sure that because of few reasons the NEXTVAL that is fetched is not really committed to the table and thus there will be a sequence miss in the table.
The following query gets you all the sequences that were generated but never made it table.
--with one sql. only catch is that the number of rows in the actual table should be
--less than or equal to the number of rows in dba_objects.
select missing_seqs
from (
select rownum missing_seqs from dba_objects
select seq from santest --replace with the actual column an table name here
where missing_seqs <= (select max(seq) from santest); --replace with the actual column an table name here
--pl/sql block for without any catches and gotchas...
set serveroutput on size unlimited
t_missing_seq number;
t_start_seq number := 1; --replace this with the actual seq value that is started off in the table
t_max_seq number;
x char;
select max(seq) into t_max_seq from santest; --replace santest with the actual table where the sequence column is. also replace (seq) witht the actual column name
for i in t_start_seq..t_max_seq loop
select 'x'
into x
from santest --replace santest with the actual table
where seq = i; --replace seq with the actual column name
when no_data_found then
dbms_output.put_line('Missing Sequence --> '||i);
end loop;