After debugging a while, I found that its due to . oraenv in the .profile thats halting my login. So, removed . oraenv with in the .profile and loged in.
Now, its time to digg in to see why . oraenv is halting.
I had my own peice of code kept in that oraenv file to get the node# by using olsnodes command and thats where its halting the process!!!
Strange isnt it. Generally olsnodes command should return the number of nodes in the RAC in seconds. When I run olsnodes it just hangs and never comes back.
Found this metalink id: 729349.1. !!!an unpublished bug#6004127!!!
Basically, what its doing is going thru all the log files under $CRS_HOME/log//clients/ directory to create a new css*.log file and my box had too many to halt the command :)
So, remove all those log files from that folder and olsnodes works like a champ...